LNG Peak Shaving Makes Your Business More Efficient

When the demand for natural gas rises, supply can run low. This situation can lead to higher utility costs and service interruptions, hampering your business operations. With LNG peak shaving, you can avoid these issues and keep your business running smoothly.

Understanding LNG Peak-Shaving Energy Services

Demand for natural gas can fluctuate dramatically, leaving some businesses without the fuel they need for cooking, heating, generating electricity, manufacturing, and other critical operations. Your business can better manage its natural gas supply by leveling out peaks in electricity use, otherwise known as peak shaving.

LNG peak shaving allows companies to continue distributing power to customers despite limited gas supply. It involves liquefying or cooling natural gas and storing it during months of low power consumption. During seasons of high usage, natural gas companies can regasify the liquefied natural gas (LNG) so that users can tap into this energy source.

In other words, LNG is a backup source of power when a spike in demand calls for additional energy resources. 

Regardless of whether you have on-site liquefaction facilities, you need reliable LNG gas storage tanks to transport and hold your fuel safely. As long as you maintain the proper conditions, it’s possible to store LNG indefinitely. 

LNG Peak-Shaving Energy Services as a Power Generation Solution

When the need for fuel increases, peak shaving keeps utility costs down and guarantees uninterrupted fuel supply. Your business can avoid high demand charges since your fuel consumption remains consistent all year round. LNG peak shaving also makes it easier to estimate utility costs and set your budget.

Power demand is particularly high during the winter and summer months, and it’s important to have the means to meet your customers’ consumption requirements. With the help of LNG peak shaving units, you can keep your operational process running smoothly, no matter the season. 

Meet the Demand Spikes of Your Customers

Rawhide Leasing offers superior mobile LNG peak-shaving energy services to address your natural gas needs. Contact us to learn more or visit our website for answers to frequently asked questions.